
Yogis Matsyendranath Maharaj
Guru Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj is the first of the Russians to be initiated into the Natha Tradition. In the late 90s of the last century, already possessing extensive experience in yoga practice and personal realization, he went to India in search of the mysterious Naths, which were mentioned in many texts, but about which little was known to the Western world.
Several years of searching and traveling radically changed the original ideas of Guruji about yoga. He returned to Russia as an initiated adept. His Teacher, Sri Mithileshnath Maharaj, gave his blessing for the development of the Natha Tradition outside India, which Guruji is doing to this day. He did everything so that people could get as much information as possible about the Natha Sampradaya, and prepared talented students. Thanks to him, Natha communities arose in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and other countries; Gorakhnath Mandir was built in Riga. Guruji has translated many valuable yoga texts into Russian. Some of them have already been published and are available to the reader.
At present, Guruji Matsyendranath conducts educational programs in almost all parts of the world (mainly in Europe and Australia), explores teachings adjacent to the Natha Tradition, such as: Kubjika, Shri Vidya and Buddhism.
Interview with Guru Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Yogis Ajabnath Maharaj
Guruji Ajabnath Maharaj is the head of the Sri Shambhunath Ashram, which is a three-hour drive from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. Her Guru - Sri Shambhunath Maharaj was a recognized siddha and tapasvi, and is widely known in the area. Guruji Ajabnath is his successor, she completed the construction of the ashram, begun under the leadership of Shambhunath. After his mahasamadhi, the title of mahant passed to Guruji, and together with her gurubhays and students, she managed the ashram for many years, which is self-sustaining. She created an amazing atmosphere of purity and tranquility there, the ashram became widely known among the Naths and ordinary people.
As a disciple of an ascetic, she also performed tapasya for many years in the forests of India, and then she received the status of Guru Yogini and the right to transfer the highest initiations in the tradition to women. In the Nath Sampradaya there are not many female Gurus of such realization, so yoginis from all over India came to Guruji Ajabnath to receive instructions and discipleship.
On December 6, 2021, Guruji Ajabnath left her body. Her samadhi (burial place) is in the ashram next to the samadhi of her Guru and Dada Guru.